
My name is Ousmane Neal I'm a student that attend Cedar Grove High. My favorite subject in the school house has always been math. During the summer, I'm involved in a minority STEM program at Morehouse college. This program requires a stay for 5 weeks on campus. I'm an overall chill person, I love to stay out the way and mind my business. I have always been the type to stay in my own lane. 

Besides my education life I'm an overall chill person I love to stay out the way and mind my business. I have always been the type to stay in my own lane. My family is a huge part of my life. Without my family there's no me.

This year in 2021, I plan on overall becoming better in all aspects. I have aspirations of being an entrepreneur. This career will allow me to be financially free and not live pay check to pay check. Another goal of mines this year is to receive many wholesale deals and saving up a lot of money.


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